The C-U-L-T: Freedom of Faith

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Your Voice

We encourage your voice! Do you have a religous view you would like to share? Believe that there is no God? We want to hear about it!

Please leave us a comment! We look forward to your thoughts, opinions and suggestions!

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Prayer requests:
We all need to pray once and a while. We here at FOF feel that prayer is an important part of daily life for anyone with faith, and is a deeply personal relationship and conversation between a person and their higher power. Sometimes we wish for others to pray for us in our time of need, or when someone close to us needs the prayers of others Other times we just want to share our prayers with the world. Below is your chance to say a prayer or request one and read the prayers of others.

Say a prayer  Read Prayers


Although Freedom of Faith celebrates the basic human right of Freedom of Religion, it is important to note that the site creator IS CHRISTIAN and this site contains CHRISTIAN UNDERTONES as well as information on other religions. If you are unsure of your faith and want an unbiased assessment of your faith, please visit the "WHAT IS MY FAITH?" Link in the page menu.

Freedom of Faith welcomes all views and deems none as wrong. Feel free to share your opinion on the "YOUR VOICE" page.

Thank you